Further reading, pronunciation and practice
You have finished unit 0! 🥳
Below are recommendations on how & where to practice your learnings as well as some further helpful resources.
Start with unit 1 to learn how to build your first sentences.
To Unit 1! Learn how to make the most beautiful sentences you have ever seen.
Further resources
Further resources that will be helpful to you now:
- Practice the letters of Hangul with this pre-made Anki deck: Anki deck containing flashcards for all characters of Hangul (or the .txt file).
- There are some sound change rules which are really helpful to know. I would suggest watching this video by BillyGo on the Korean sound change rules. I wouldn’t suggest adding these into a flashcard deck yet as you will come across these naturally on your learning journey, so just hearing about them once for now should be enough.
- How to pronunce 의 by BillyGo.
- Get this Anki deck: TTMIK’s First 500 Korean Words by Retro. It includes mostly relevant Korean words with pictures and audio for their pronunciation.
I recommend learning with the two Anki decks. See how to use Anki here.
Unit 1
In Unit 1 we will be going into building simple sentences, all the basics you need to have a simple conversation.